We also visited the pediatric cardiologist this month. Her visit revealed that her heart murmur is caused by something called a "left ventricular false tendon". It basically means that there is an extra string of tissue across her left ventrical that causes the murmur as blood moves across it. The doctor said that it is not a big deal, and she should be just fine. Unrelated to the murmur, though, the cardiologist also identified a small hole in her heart. It is called a "patent foramen ovale". The doctor told me that this hole is normal and necessary before birth, and normally closes shortly after birth. Sometimes, though, it takes one to three years for the hole to close, and sometimes it never closes. I found some more information on this website, and apparently as many as 1/4 of the population is affected by this defect. We go back to the cardiologist in a year to be sure the hole is closing properly, so keep your fingers crossed and say some prayers that it does!
Baptism pictures will be coming soon, but until then we thought everyone would enjoy seeing Margaret's two month portraits. Enjoy!

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